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The Handke Project

  • 19:00 - 20:30 lørdag 15.03.2025
  • 16:00 - 17:30 søndag 16.03.2025
  • 19:00 - 20:30 mandag 17.03.2025
Kobberslagerstredet 3, 1671 Kråkerøy Vis i kart

Norwegian Theatre Academy (Fredrikstad) in collaboration with Qendra Multimedia (Prishtina):

The Handke Project 
Or Justice for Peter's Stupidities

Free tickets:
Saturday, March 15 at 19:00
Sunday, March 16 at 16:00
Monday, March 17 at 19:00
@ Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad
Duration: Approx. 70 minutes
Disclaimer: Due to sexual and violent content, we do not recommend this performance to children under the age of 16

For an artist, where does the freedom of speech end, and the need to be politically conscious begin? Can we create art without being insensitive? Can we separate the art from the artist, and are aesthetics possible without ethics?

The Handke Project takes as its central theme the controversial decision to convey the honouring of Nobel Laureate for Literature to Austrian writer Peter Handke, despite of his well-documented support for Slobodan Milosevic – who died while on trial for war crimes at The Hague – a support which extended to speaking at Milosevic's graveside. The Handke Project, takes this controversy as a jumping off point to explore how art is appreciated and promoted when it crosses the boundaries of basic decency, humanism or ethics. Freedom of art, yes it is one of the greatest humanistic achievements, but freedom of art without justice for victims and without the truth about historical events becomes meaningless.

To write this play, which has been toured world-wide, Kosovar playwright Jeton Neziraj has collaborated with the Serbian playwright Biljana Srbljanović, and with the Germany-based Croatian writer and scholar Alida Bremer. This is the Norwegian premiere of a new version of the piece, created in collaboration with the students of NTA. It has been refreshed and re-conceptualized to also address and comment on the concerning current political and cultural developments in Norway. You will see 18 performers and artists delve into frenzied and speedy scenes of the play, questioning: what lessons can we gain today from these unspeakable events, how are our own stories already implicated?

Norwegian Theatre Academy is proud to present a performance that marks the culmination of institutional history: the final BA directed production presented by NTA before its closure. Our current students in BA Acting and BA Scenography together with Jeton Neziraj and Blerta Neziraj from Qendra Multimedia, welcome you to The Handke Project.

Written by: Jeton Neziraj
Directed by: Blerta Neziraj

Performed and co-created by NTA's graduating students in BA Acting and BA Scenography:
Acting students: Adam Manthey Steen, Anna Jane Utermøhl Lund, Diego Valdes Hernandez, Ellen Krogh Skjølstrup, Elmeri Kunnas, Faheel Saud, Ingrid Bruland Hjellestad, Isak Myrberg Dahle, Netanel Seri, Óluva Tvørfoss, Silje Joner Ognedal, Simon Skytte Petersen, Toivo Ty Terjesen, William Wittrup Fock
Scenography students: Harry Osborn Wiström, Johan Oskar Rasmussen Sterner, Leila Tóth, Milla Anna Ingrid Berglund Magndahl

Composer: Elmeri Kunnas
Choreographer: Silje Joner Ognedal
Graphic design: BA Scenography

Artistic tutors: Electa Behrens, Jakob Oredsson 
Technical support: Ulf Knudsen, José Rui Fernandes Ribeiro de Almeida 
Production manager: Sunniva Solberg 
Production support: Marina Popović 

Produced by Norwegian Theatre Academy at Østfold University College 